A book is a gift you can open again and again

Garrison Keillor

Rachelle's Books

My Whisper from God

Clarence Willard “Willie” Smith Jr. aka "Whisper" touched the lives of everyone that he came into contact with. At the age of 18, Willie’s life was tragically cut short, which left his loved ones behind to pick up the pieces and to somehow fill the void that was left in their lives.

You Are Beautiful!

He was her high school sweetheart—the charming, popular father of her three children. But despite the red flags, despite his history of cheating, Rachelle had no idea the destruction that marrying this man would bring.

Beauty's Beast

When Ernestine retired she had no insight that she would receive the diagnosis of Stage IV cancer. But she did. We are not heavenly angels but earthen vessels. God chooses vessels and prepares and shapes them over time by reproof and correction.

My Upcoming Books